Sofra Health Institute

Rehabilitation and recreation centers in Mielno and Karpacz

Sofra Health Institute comprises two wellness centres focused on diet treatments, in picturesque locations. Sofra Mielno (by the Baltic Sea) and Sofra Karpacz (in the Karkonosze Mountains) offer more than 250 beds with extensive rehabilitation and medical services, spa and hotel facilities. Medical supervision is provided by Dr Ewa Dąbrowska, a well-known Polish diet specialist. Sofra offers rehabilitation, weight-loss treatments, vegetarian diet packages, as well as services for disabled guests and holiday packages.


Instytut Zdrowia Sofra Sp.z o.o.

ul. Chełmońskiego 2

76-032 Mielno-Unieście

Instytut Zdrowia Sofra Sp.z o.o.

ul. Zaciszna 2

58 - 540 Karpacz

The power of experience, the strength of generations